1900:  Betula, Pa.  Stave Mill & View of Town Looking SE
G I A N T    P - A - N - O - R - A - M - A !        S - C - R - O - L - L
photo credit:  Richard Putnam Collection           photo fusion by Jeremiah Vandermark

1912:  Betula, Pa. Pennsylvania Stave Company
Maker of Tightly Fit Precision, Wooden Barrels

At Betula, two miles above Norwich, PA the Pennsylvania Stave Company built a mill in 1912.  It replaced their Cross Fork, PA operation that closed in the same year.  They sawed the hemlock lumber in Norwich, a small neighboring town, Betula took the hardwood logs for staves for barrels. They went to the stavemills, there they were cut up into bolts-short logs. Then they were split up, cut into the thickness of barrel staves, put in the shed and dried so long, steamed and dried.  Then they went out. G I A N T    P - A - N - O - R - A - M - A !        S - C - R - O - L - L
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