People often Congregated

on the Island

photo credit: R.C. Gleason Collection


McKean County Democrat 7/23/1931

Work has been started on the erection of two footbridges, connecting the beautiful island on Hamlin Park with the mainland and providing a direct entrance to McCoy Stadium, adjacent to the park, from the center of town via Washington Street.

The bridges will be completed in time for the County Grange picnic, Farm Bureau and Service Clubs picnic at Hamlin Park, Wednesday, Aug. 12.

The extension of Washington Street to the bridge site was made possible by Elisha Kent Kane, owner of the Kushequa railroad, who, with characteristic generosity and public spirit, this week donated, through R. E. Burdick, a large parcel of land on the mainland to the park project.

This land not only gives a fine right-of-way for the park approach and a space for parking many cars, but contains a large number of beautiful trees which makes it a fine addition to the park area.

Councilman James Nellis and Merle Dickinson, commander of Bucktail Post, American Legion are supervising the erection of the two footbridges which were authorized by the borough council at a special meeting last week.

The bridges will be of suspension type, four feet in width, and will be constructed of heavy cable and iron with wooden floors.


McKean County Miner 7/23/1931

An adjourned meeting of the borough council was held Tuesday evening, June 21st at the Hose House with the following members present: Nellis, Karlen, Digel. Freeman, Kelly and Hull, also Burgess Bacon ad Solicitor Chattack.

The meeting was called to order by J.A. Nellis who was unanimously elected president pro tem in the absence of President Ostrander.

Proposed Ordinance No. 121 was read which states:

“Therefore be it resolved and ordained be the town council of the borough of Smethport, and it is here by enacted and ordained by the authority of same; that the borough of Smethport, at its own proper cost and expense, construct, improve, and maintain a public passageway for pedestrians (including the foot bridges over both channels of Marvin Creek) from or near the southerly end of Washington Street across the island in Hamlin Park.

Moved by Hull and seconded by Freeman that proposed ordinance No. 121 be adopted …carried.

Moved by Digel and seconded by Karlen that the street committee be instructed to have bridges to park built at a cost not to exceed $400 carried.

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