Norwich: Chas Hull Department Store

photo credit: Donald Hull Collection

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 Norwich News Tid Bits
Taken from the Smethport McKean County Democrat

Oct. 29, 1891.  Goodyear Bros. are grading for a railroad from Forest House to the Potato Creek region; also another to the head of Cowley Run.  The logs will be manufactured into lumber at Avery's Mill, Keating

Potter Journal, Jan. 23, 1907.  Hon. M. E. Olmsted of Harrisburg, is president of a new railroad company, the Potato Creek Railroad Company, chartered last Friday at Harrisburg.  It will build a 28 mile road from Keating Summit, Potter County, to Norwich, this county.  This road is undoubtedly intended for the purpose of handling the vast timber holdings of the Goodyear's in Norwich township, this county.  It has been rumored that operations on this timber tract will begin this year, and now that a railroad has been chartered matters are beginning to assume a business like aspect. 

July 16, 1907.  The Goodyears are building a railroad from Keating Summit down to Portage Creek, thence up Zimmerman Hollow out past Scaffold Lake to their big Norwich Twp. tract of hemlock. 

Dec. 28, 1910 William F. Column, the will known millwright, who formerly lived in Ridgway but now lives in Buffalo, has begun the erection of a big mill for Goodyear Lumber Company at Potato Creek, McKean Co. Pa. 

Jan. 18, 1911.  A new post office has been established at the head of Potato Creek, which will be known as Norwich. Charel Hull has been appointed postmaster of the new office and the office will be located in that gentleman's immense department store. 

Dec. 27, 1911. O. M. Wagner has sold his bakery stock to Mrs. Hannah Roff, who is moving her restaurant goods across the street and will occupy the location vacated by Mr. Wagner.  Mr. Wagner will move to Norwich, where he expects to conduct a boarding house. 

Jan. 3, 1912  Nathan N. Metcalf, superintendent of the Goodyear Lumber Company was married last Wednesday at Smethport to Mrs. Flora Bailey. 

Mar. 6, 1912.  Mina is now without a grocery store.  E. J. Nordstrum has moved his stock to Norwich, where he will continue in the same business. 

Mar. 20, 1912  Ralph Lyon departed this morning for Norwich where he has a position as clerk in the Hull Company Store. 

May 8, 1912.  Rue McLaughlin, who has been a clerk in the store of Shear & Fee, has resigned and will go to Norwich to accept a similar position in the store of Joe Hull & Son.