Smethport's Pioneer Era The Bergstrawser Inn: Circa 1830
407 Church Street, Smethport, PA 16749

photo credit: Mckean County Historical Society

See painted panorama of Smethport 1858
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Historically significant to early Smethport, Bergstrawser Inn served as a local meeting place for early Smethport residents and visitors. The popular tavern, located above the Courthouse on Church Street, changed hands many times, and has had over 8 owners since the 1860's. It was owned by Mrs. Bergstrawser until 1864, when it fell into the possession of W.B. Warren and David R. Bennet.  In 1868, Mr. J. L. Warden owned it, followed by Eurell V. Chadwick.    Katherine and Charles Lemmler purchased the Inn on April 13, 1884 for $900, and on November 2, 1934, Ralph E. Burdick bought it for $1.  It appears that the Lemmlers repurchased it for the price of $1 on the same day for unknown reasons.  Leonore Lemmler inherited Bergstrawser Inn upon the death of her mother, Katherine.  At that time, personal estate was valued at $30,034.46.  Again, the property was purchased for $1 by Hubert and Virginia Morrison on August 30,1945, and finally sold to it's current owners, Cynthia and Reid Matteson, on May 28, 1981.  look downhill

Location in 2003

photo credit: Phil Herzog

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