1894:  Nunundah Butter & Cheese Company: later, McKean County Creamery
200 Block East Water Street

photo credit:  John G. Coleman Collection

click here to see Location of the McKean County Creamery 2000 AD

Dairy farmers in the Smethport area brought their milk to the Smethport Creamery where it was converted to finished dairy products.  The fresh products were distributed via the Pittsburg (no "h") Shawmut and Northern railroad.  The Shawmut railing, in the foreground was built through Smethport along Water Street during the summer of 1899.
The Smethport Creamery

McKean County Miner.
May 18, 1894   page 3   column 3

We paid a visit to the above named institution on Wednesday morning, and found the manager, Mr. C. S. King , in the midst of churning and packing.  We would like to give a full description of the apparatus used in making butter, but, not having much space this week, will only speak of the creamery in a general way.  The machinery is all of the latest improve, Mr. King having added many new features this year.  While there the milk was being delivered and we saw the separator at work, which was to us the most interesting part of the whole work.

The stockholders of the creamery should receive more encouragement than they are getting from the farmers.  We are told that a large percentage of the milk promised at the opening of the season has not as yet been received, and that the output now, which is only eighty pounds per day, does not pay the running experience of the creamery.  This should not be.  The farmers in other sections who patronize creameries give as their experience that the early made butter is always the best and consequently, brings the best price.  This creamery was not started as a scheme to benefit the stockholders at the expense of the farmers, but for the mutual benefit of both parties.  It has been proved that the best results of keeping cows has come from patronizing the creamery system.

There is a great demand for creamery butter here, and some of our merchants, not being able to get butter from the Smethport creamery, have been obliged to order from New York state creameries to supply the demand.  Now is the time when the farmers can realize the most from patronizing the creamery, and we trust that the efforts of the management to  supply the demand will meet with a ready response from the owners of cows in this section.


Nunundah Creamery
McKean County Miner
Smethport Pa., July 13, 1894    page3   column 5

The people of Smethport and vicinity, more particularly the farmers, have every reason to congratulate themselves and one another over the present success and brilliant outlook for the future.

The Nunundah Butter and Cheese Company Limited has been in existence but a short time, this being but their second season.  and their success has been almost phenomenal.  They have met with several obstructions on their road to success, but have surmounted them all, and now have an absolutely perfect plant, which is second to none in this state or any other.  The separator which was put in at the beginning, while it did fairly good work, was not perfect, consequently not satisfactory to the management, and last week Messrs.  A. B. Armstrong and D. C. Young, took a trip through Western New York, inspecting creameries, and after a very careful inspection of the various separators in use there, secured, regardless of expense, the best to be  found.  They lost no time but with their usual push and energy hurried things along, and the new separator is now in operation and doing good work.  It is the Sharpless Improved, manufactured at West Chester, Pa.  Among the numerous improvements, the first to attract attention is the absence of all belts and gearings, the seperator having a direct steam connection, and an automatic gauge which, regardless of the pressure rising above the required amount for good work in the separator.  The management has done its work, and in the most creditable manure.  All that now remains to be done, is for the farmers to cooperate, and make it a more decided success: a credit to the place, and a great and lasting benefit to all interested in dairy farming.  The butter is as good as can be found anywhere.  We learn that it is for sale at the different stored here, and if the people would call for Nunundah butter, they would be sure of securing a first class article, and would also be helping along home industry



Street Mapn

photo credit: Tannyah Merrick

east on Water west on Water Street

Location of the McKean County Creamery 2005 AD

photo credit: Tannyah Merrick


2000 A.D.

photo credit: Planet Smethport 2000

This is where the Smethport Creamery used to be located.  It's on the North side of E. Water street just next to Wolfe's Craft Barn.

Click to learn about Smethport's feed mill.