F.O. Richmond Residence

photo credit: McKean County Historical Society Collection

See the Richmond Residence in the year 2001

F.O. Richmond Biography

    F.O. Richmond, conductor of the Bradford, Bordell & Kinzua Railroad, Smethport, was born in Smethport, McKean county.,   Penn., July 27, 1840, a son of Nelson and Amanda (Chapin) Richmond, natives of New York state, who came to Smethport about 1812.  They were the parents of six children, of whom F.O. is the fourth son.  His father died in 1846.  He has followed various occupations, having been in a hotel in Smethport more or less for eleven years.  He married September 4, 1861, Miss Mary E., daughter of Erastus and Mary (Star) Curtis, of Smethport, Penn.  Since the completion of the Bradford, Bordell & Kinzua Railroad, at Smethport, he has been employed on it for nearly six years, and over four years as conductor.  Mr. Richmond served at different times under Col. Wilcox as deputy sheriff.

McKean County Miner
Smethport, Pa., July 5, 1895
page 3   column 4

L. W. Mason and Frank Richmond returned last week from their western trip among the clouds.  It is very interesting to heat them tell of the wonderful sights they saw in the great west.  Mr. Richmond says he rode in a snow storm all one day in June, a very pleasant experience.

 to BB&K Railroad


photo credit: David Keppel  2001

to Sartwell Mansion to West Mainto West Main to BB&K Engineers